Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Little Bit of African Wildlife

While we haven't been seeing elephants and zebras since we have been living in Africa, we have seen some pretty fun wildlife that you don't get to see in the States.  If you know Dave and I, you know we both come from natural resources backgrounds in college and that I am a bit of a bird nerd (that explains why we have so many bird pics!).  Dave is the awesome photographer (in most cases).

This chameleon was so fascinating to watch as it slowly made its way 
towards the grass, turning its eyes back to look at us... it hissed at Dave when he tried to pick it up!

Little Banded Goshawk (Shikra)

Bronze Mannikin

Striped Kingfisher

Olive Bush Shrike

Paradise Flycatcher 

Cashew Tree

Passion Flower (Dave's favorite flower)
 These cicadas make a lot of noise when you are trying to sleep at night with the windows open!

Termite mound
Charlie and Lobo
They may not be wild, but these guys are our crazy guard dogs.


  1. Wow, amazing photos - my favorite is the Paradise Flycatcher - beautiful. And who knew cashews grew on trees...I thought they just came in a can. ;)

  2. Dude! That's some serious termites!
