Friday, May 11, 2012

How You Know You've Adjusted (Plus More Bird Pics)

We have now been in Moz for about 4 months now and I was contemplating how we have adjusted to life here...

10 ways to know if you have adjusted to life in Africa:

1.  You look in the shower for roaches before getting in without thinking about it.

2. You ask the dogs if they want "Cow Chow" at suppertime ("Cão" is dog in Portuguese) and you are used to seeing the dead lizards they leave around in various places.

Nap time after a hard night guarding (or chasing lizards!)

3. You don't even blink when the power goes out.

4. It doesn't seem normal unless something isn't working... the water, the car, the internet, etc.
Grover (the Land Rover) has been out of commission for several weeks while we wait for a part from South Africa
5. Most of the time you walk to the right side of the car to get in (it takes longer than 4 months to break that habit!).

6. It is a game to see what part of the house the termites and/or ants will show up next.  Another fun game is "whack the fly/mosquito"
Dave and his trusty zapper

7.You know that if you hear a plane fly over there is at least a 50% chance it is an MAF plane and you will verbally guess who is flying it.

8. Apologizing for bad Portuguese is the standard beginning of a conversation.
Practicing Portuguese with the neighbors

9. You don't even notice how the chickens crow at all times of the day, or how you will see them pecking at any trash pile around, or wandering into church, etc. 

10. You understand Africa time: when they say church starts at 8am, that means start walking from your house at 8am to get there.  If you show up at 8, you will be early. 

And now, some more fun bird pictures...sorry, still no lions or giraffes!
Brown-headed Parrots right here in our neighborhood!
Dark-capped Bulbul
A red-throated sunbird
African Pygmy Kingfisher

Dark-backed Weaver

Blue-spotted Wood-dove

Brown-hooded Kingfisher

Little Bee-eater

White-browed Scrub-robin

Blue Waxbill