Monday, January 9, 2012

Final Countdown

January 11th is coming up soon!  We leave dark and early Wednesday morning from Lubbock to Memphis, and then on to Atlanta.  From there we will catch a 15.5 hour flight to Johannesburg, South Africa (gaining 8 hours on that flight due to the time change) where we will spend the night.  On Friday January 13th, we fly to Nampula, our final destination in Mozambique.  To start off, we will stay at SIL guest housing while we look for a house to rent.  We can’t have our shipment sent until we are already in country, so it will probably be 3 to 6 months before our stuff arrives. 

Please pray for safe travel and for the adjustment period that we will go through trying to live in a new country.  We know that the first few months will be pretty challenging.  Not knowing the language, the culture, how to get around/purchase things will probably leave us feeling pretty helpless at first.  Thank goodness that when we are weak, He is strong (and for the MAF team already there willing to help us get on our feet)!  While we can’t wait for God to use us in Mozambique, we know He is certainly going to grow us first!  Likely our first 6 months will consist of language learning so that we can really communicate with the folks we are going to serve.  Pray for our ability to learn the language quickly!

Some of you have asked about how you can communicate with us while we are in Mozambique.  Email will be the best option, although don’t be surprised if there are times when we have problems with our internet connection.  We have also set up a Skype account and phone number (email us if you want that information).  If you would like to mail letters, you can send them to MAF headquarters (P.O. Box 47, Nampa, ID 83653) and just include our name and it will eventually get to us.  Some folks have asked about mailing packages…we will get back to you on that once we get there and find out the most reliable method given the expense that is involved on both ends.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support over the last months and years getting us to this point!  We are so blessed to have such great friends and family who lift us up to our Father and send us out. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,
    I am glad you are finally heading out to spread God's word. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to family and friends. I'm going to be doIng the same with Trey tomorrow. I'm currently in California visiting him while he finishes up some training to fly the MC-12 (AKA King Air). He is leaving from here to go to Afghanistan until sometime around September.
    I was wondering what time you will be in
    Atlanta. I have a stopover in ATL from about 6pm to 7pm and it would be great to see you if our times line up!
    Mel Herndon
