Sunday, November 12, 2017

Blogs and Birds

You may have noticed our blog site going quiet over the last year.  This is partly due to the fact that this term has been incredibly busy and that we've have had some trouble with our mailing list.  In addition, I have been submitting blogs to MAF's Story Hub, so my stories have ended up there instead of on our own blog site.

If you are interested in reading some of those blog stories, check out the links below to get caught up!

But since a Pilot's Logbook wouldn't be complete without some bird pictures, here are some highlights from our Uganda trip a couple of weeks ago.  We were staying on Lake Victoria for an Africa Region IT confernce (see the "Technology Helps" blog above) and saw close to 50 different species.

White-browed Coucal

Pied Kingfisher

Red-Chested Sunbird

African Jacana

Black Kite eating a fish

Brown-throated Wattle-eye

White-throated Bee-eater

Malachite Kingfisher

Grey Crowned Crane
Grey Crowned Crane coming in for a landing

Double-toothed Barbet
Goliath Heron



  1. Africa certainly has beautiful birds. Thanks for showing us God's creations. Wanted you to know that our ministry at Church at Sheppard includes a wife who is interested in MAF. She is a wife of a pilot in training who is training to fly a plane for a missions ministry in the future. So excited to nurture her missions' heart. I am definitely telling her your story and we pray for you. Blessings, Kaye Garrison

  2. I love seeing every picture!!! Those birds are beautiful!! Love you Dave & Jill -

    Love, Tricia Gregory
